
Sunday, 22 December 2024

Little Christmas Fundraiser.....

Sorry to put out the begging bowl again but if anyone is feeling a little generous a few spare bucks would come in handy right now. 

It's been a hell of a year both personally and physically and your support has been fantastic. 

Hopefully I can raise enough to replace the laptop that died a while back so I can run this site properly.

Once again thanks for your support and I look forward to what promises to be a very interesting 2025.

Any donations will be much appreciated. The button is in the side bar. 

Many thanks and Merry Christmas to you and your families.

Criminals with a stolen government ........from Rico

Biden nee' Obama pissing away $1 billion tax dollars on Ecuador's 'amazon' while thousands in Western North Carolina are still sleeping on the ground, in tents, this Winter...and they get nada, zip, bupkis!

- Do NOT get me started on all the homeless Veterans coast-to-coast who served America while ILLEGALS live rent-free in hotels with generous per diem and other benefits as a reward for breaking the law.

Exactly what can be expected of treasonous criminals with a stolen government.

When their 'reign' is over I agree with Bannon: Investigate, prosecute, then imprison the criminals!

- And because I am pro-choice, some of them should be given the 'choice' between hanging or firing squad for treason.

Wheat Smoothie Christmas ........from Rico

Wishing you a wonderful Christmas.

Wheat smoothies all around!

CONgress: Rotten Bastards ......from Rico

I 'hope' they cut more than just the FAT out of the attempt to screw over America as a lame duck CONgress gets ready to dissolve.

They really tried to slip some very bad rancid shit into that +1500 pages (that should have been 20).

Seed Oils = Colon Cancer .........from Rico

I do NOT agree with RFK on many of his positions [gun control ad nauseum] ...he is after all, a Democrat [C]...BUT that said his MAHA [Make America Healthy Again] is spot-on and much needed.

EUrope refuses to allow the import of US food products not just because it is crap compared to what they eat, but because it is TOXIC.

Take SEED OILS. Please.

Communist Rule ........ from Rico

It sure made a 'difference' when South Africa ditched 'apartheid' to become a black-Communist ruled nation.

After a four year trial version of America being ruled by gay-black-Communists we were next on the list, despite having ditched Uncle Ban and Aunt Jemima.

SFO Fatheads ...... from Rico

San Francisco used to be one of my favorite cities to visit. Used to be...

The knuckleheads have been replaced by the fatheads, and the place is a dystopian version of "Idiocracy" writ large.

End of rant. Merry Christmas to, and for, the rest of us!

Friday, 20 December 2024

Promises, promises!!! .........from Rico

This is priceless!

The Clowns in CONgress [all Dem's, many RINO's] are doing their best to scare America with a ...gasp...Government Shut Down!*

WHO at this point is stupid enough to take this as a bad thing, especially after the last four years of abuse and bullshit from

GO AHEAD! SHUT IT DOWN...before we the people have to do it for you!!!


 *Dunning-Kruger is daily on display in .Gov!

Pic Dump.......

Thursday, 19 December 2024

Christmas Came Early? ........from Rico

The aptly named District of Criminals tried to bum-rush a last-minute spending bill that was over 1,547 pages long.

"This spending bill is criminal."

"'s full of excessive spending, special interest giveaways, and pork barrel politics."

"...will end up hurting many of the people it purports to help."

"...the bill could have easily been under 20 pages."

BUT the NY Post is reporting that the "bloated federal spending bill is scrapped after Trump-boosted revolt, Rep Scalise confirms."

What a CLASSIC display of the Uniparty [RINO's and Democrats] taking a big shit upon America on their lame-duck way out the door.

What assholes!

Wednesday, 18 December 2024

Pardon$ & Commutation$ ........from Rico

Given Joe's lifelong passion for grift, skimming, and scams it is NOT unfair to observe that his corpse has been unusually active in granting Pardons & Commutations.

Want to bet he's now $elling them for personal profit?

- He has nothing else left to sell, and the bottom has dropped out of Hunter's "art" payola gimmick.

Hit Incoming? ........from Rico

The current 'drones' kabuki smells like Clown World is prepping to stir the gavno [shit] and/or start a war before Trump can be inaugurated.


Call it a "false flag" a "green flag" or a shit-stained "Team Obama Flag" Clown World knows that a mere +3,000 deaths from another 9-11 event won't "git 'er done"  so a dirty bomb that will reportedly kill 100,000 is needed to stampede 'we the sheeple.'


The collateral damage of a dirty bomb is preferred by 'them' to ANY disruption that would actually harm the 'elite' [read: shitbags] control over things.

Buckle up, this is gonna get real interesting...

'They' want as many dead as possible ........from Rico

To be a subject of the gay, retarded, Marxists posing as the USG can be fatal.

They clearly want to see as many dead Americans as is (in)humanly possible.

Monday, 16 December 2024

Latest Project: INFO-BLURBS

WHO: An informal association of military, diplomatic, intelligence and other international sources - the private network of a retired US Special Forces soldier working as a freelance security consultant.

WHAT: Info-Blurbs is Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) daily updates on the international security scene.


WHEN: Now . . . often before its in the news.

WHY: Info-Blurbs provides Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) on significant events - the Global Security Situation at a glance, in five minutes or less a day. No politics (the media is saturated with politics), no static, no speculation, no opinion - just the facts. Info-Blurbs is your finger on the pulse of things. Situational awareness, pure and simple.

More to follow . . .  

Accountability .......from Rico

The 'perps' know full well that they committed crimes against humanity.

Watch them now bleat about being the victims of 'revenge/retribution' when accountability for their heinous crimes is demanded.

Sunday, 15 December 2024

Irretrievably Gone? .......from Rico

Yon's analysis is sadly spot-on-target.

Old Canada, like most of what we used to call the 'West' aka the 'Free World' is gone...too far gone to ever be restored to its former vigor.

A Sure Sign .......from Rico

Remember Angela Merkel (and many others) making this 'hand sign?'

- It's a recognition symbol for Clown World aka Globohomo.

When its intentionally being made by the new Syrian dictator it is ALSO a sure sign that Clown World (and Team Obama) have achieved their wet dream of getting rid of Assad and conquering Syria for radical Islamo-Communism.

- Consider it a last gasp while the evil ones still had the juice to make it happen. It WILL be the source of many future problems, like everything these wrongheaded bastards have done for decades now...